
When Mom's Out of Town

Just recently I was out of town and told my husband will you please just put our daughters hair into a ponytail for school.  I figured this would be the easiest for him. 

This hairstyle is no glamour do, but it means the world to me.  I came home and got showed these fun and cute pictures.  All this style is, is a plain ponytail.
My husband took pictures of his hairstyle to share.  He took pictures of the front side and back of this style. 
I could not be married to a better man and I just wanted to share this fun story with everyone.
Below is the back view


  1. What a great Dad. I remember my Dad putting in poytails. But I remember them being off center.

  2. That's so cute... Nice he took the time to do her hair with no bumps. I notice your daughter likes "Justice" clothes too. My daughter is in love with that store since they put it in our mall a few months ago.

  3. I wish my husband could do as good a job. Whenever he does a pony I have to redo it it looks so bad.
